My first blog post.

I’m not sure if any of you have written a blog before or not, but this is my first time. It feels like a whole bunch of pressure to say all the right things in the most witty and interesting way possible. And honestly, I had trouble starting this because of a lot of self-doubt. It’s important to me to be authentic at all times. I don’t like to talk just to talk; I want it to be meaningful. I don’t want to try extra hard to be witty or interesting…I just want to be real.

The other day when I was trying to get myself to write, I skimmed through an article on what a blog should contain and the biggest thing that stuck out in my mind was that it needed to be your own style.

So, here’s a little of what my blog style will be:

  • Fitness and Nutrition Focused: This is a fitness blog so of course most of my posts will be about fitness topics. The goal of these posts would be to educate, to provide reviews on products, and to provide inspiration and motivation. While the main focus will be on exercise and food, fitness includes more than just that. It’s about mental and emotional health, confidence, trying new things, self-efficacy, relationships, coping with trauma, stress relief, and way more….It’s really about LIFE…it’s all tied together isn’t it?
  • Real Talk: I’m going to write how I talk…or even more so, how I THINK. I want this to be relatable for you while reading, while also being genuine to who I am. So prepare yourself for the ultra-serious and passionate posts, but also for the goofy, playful ones…and everything in between those extremes because I’m all of those things as most of you reading this are too.
  • Perspective: Of course, my perspective in written or video posts. But also, I would love for others to have the opportunity to share their perspectives through writing or video as well. So sometimes, you may see someone else’s name as the author of a post. And message me if interested in sharing.

That’s a little about my blog and what I envision it to be. More things may come up naturally, but this feels like a good foundation to me. So I’m going to finish this post off with a little fitness advice.

Getting the momentum to start can be hard. Starting this blog was hard, but once it was started…it became easier… not easy and definitely not perfect, but easier. Most of you are just starting your fitness journey. Push through the doubt. There are going to be moments especially in the beginning when you won’t feel good enough and you’ll want to quit. Don’t. We all have starting points. Make today yours.

-Samson 3/10/2020