Passions/Likes: Food, Fitness (Basketball, Soccer, Football, Swimming, Weightlifting, Hiking, anything active really), The beach, Being outdoors, Trying new things, Family, Human Rights, Acting/Film, Discovery (obtaining more knowledge and perspective)
Biggest Strength: My passion and dedication. I can be a little stubborn when I have my mind set on something. I am a person that, for the most part, knows what I want in life and I put all my energy into getting to where I want to be. I don’t believe in half-assing anything so I put 100% into everything I do. When you are working with me, you will be working with someone who is going to wholeheartedly take the time to understand you, to invest in you, and to help you reach your goals.
Biggest Weakness: Letting go. I struggle with letting go in many ways, but mostly in letting go of mistakes. Over the past few years, I have learned a lot about the benefits of letting go and finding the balance of being that stubborn person who never quits and being that person that lets go in order to progress.
Philosophy: “With great power comes great responsibility; and with great responsibility comes great power.” (Stole that from the Art of Not Giving a Fuck- great book, check it out!) Anyways, our power isn’t about how much control over others we have, but how much control we have over ourselves. And maybe, I’m a little idealistic, but I think our ability to change and better ourselves greatly impacts our families, communities, and the world as a whole. In order to change, we have to be willing to take responsibility and understand our active roles in the situations we face. Accepting responsibility over our choices and their consequences is extremely empowering. Part of my passion for fitness is because it is one area of life where you are your greatest resource and your greatest obstacle. Your competition is not between you and other people, but between the person you are and person you want to be. The results of living a healthy lifestyle don’t stop at just having an aesthetically pleasing body or a healthy heart, but also lead to life-long changes that affect self-esteem, emotions, confidence, work ethic, pride, and your ability to impact those around you.